Desenvolvendo um Jogo de Tecla Única Acessível para Jogadores com Deficiência Motora


Digital games typically require a fair amount of sensory and motor skills. However, not every player can receive stimuli and provide feedback at the usually necessary extent and rate. About 24% of the Brazilian population has some degree of a disability, of which 7% has motor impairment. This work describes the creation of a simple digital game that is accessible for people with motor impairments through the use of the one-switch technique, which is the use of a single key or button to provide all input to the game. Our goals included putting the accessible and the traditional game modes in equal footing in terms of freedom and difficulty and evaluating the effort to develop the one-switch version. Usability tests were carried out to users who have some motor disability and to users who do not. Results showed that the use of a single key does enable people with varying motor difficulty to play a game with more balanced competitiveness compared to people who are not disabled and also that the gaming experience was satisfactory for both user groups.

XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames 2015), Teresina/PI, 11 a 13 de Novembro de 2015.

Referencia do artigo: MEDEIROS, L. C. ; COUTINHO, F. . Desenvolvendo um Jogo de Tecla Única Acessível para Jogadores com Deficiência Motora. In: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2015, Teresina. Proceedings of XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2015.